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Hypnotherapy Training Australia - Student Testimonial Video

Axel Sigur Starviking

In this unsponsored Student Testimonial Video, I chat about the online college, Hypnotherapy Training Australia my experience with them, and I also tell, for the first time, my own personal healing journey towards becoming a Hypnotherapist.

I attended HTA in 2020/2021 and graduated with my:

Certificate of Participation Introduction to Counselling and Psychology

Certificate Year 1 Gestalt Psychotherapy

Certificate Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Certificate Medical Aspects of Hypnosis

Certified Practitioner of DeTrauma Technique (PTSD)

Certificate in Clinical Hypnotic Sciences

HTA Diploma of Clinical Hypnotic Sciences

0:00:06 Introduction

0:00:23 "Training" Just a quick explanation about how the training works and how I experienced it.

0:00:45 "Support" Detailing the level of support offered to students.

0:01:46 "Community" Chatting about the Tribal Community that is established on your journey, the Eagles, the Dolphins and the Butterflies.

0:02:18 "Healing Journey" - my own personal story, and how I became a Hypnotherapist.


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